“Synthetic Civilization (The Sonnet) The watchwords of civilization, Are reason and inclusion. Yet we live by the golden rules, Of rigidity and exclusion. We dress up in fancy clothes, To feel powerful and important. Beneath the lies of civilization, Beats a heart most impotent. We boast proudly about equality, Unaware of our biases most inane. We admire the rights of our own, Rights of others are business of the UN. Enough of this make belief ascension. It’s time to humanize our synthetic civilization.” ― Abhijit Naskar
Simple lines, shapes, shading and colors are often a more difficult way to tell a story visually. Yet this is the way that most naturally and accurately expresses mood, opinion, and freedom.The latter, i.e. freedom, is the most basic thesis of the artistic approach. Without it, there is no real art, only limited thinking.Presenting the world, revealing the truth. People look up to and pay attention to artists. This comes with responsibility. We can show reality, freedom and justice. This can inspire everyone in their field later.
Image of the world
has changed many times,
and its orderly state
has often declined,
and is disordered in the
its order and form,
in name it stands, but it is destructive.
it has been destroyed.
The old line is changed,
O morals are lost,
new ones grow in their place,
More and more cruel;
Every man his own friend,
I'll do anything for a companion;
the earth blesses not Saturn,
but Pluto is dreaded.
It is the beginning of everything, and also the continuation of everything, and finally the end of everything. And then everything starts all over again.
Energy surrounds us everywhere at birth, during life and at the moment of death. All our breaths, moments, movements, and thoughts are nourished by it.